
Small Things

It amazes me on a daily basis the people who touch the lives of my children in such small ways. Some of them do this in such small ones. One of the sweetest and kindest ladies handed Gracie a bag while we were in line for the church fellowship the other night. The bag contained nothing more than a simple children's book "Christ the Savior is Born", but it was SO much more to Gracie.

This very simple children's book uses biblical references to tell the story of our Savior's birth to children in a way that they can understand it. And when I read it to Gracie before bed last night, she wanted to take it to school today and share the story with her friends. I asked her if she knew she was being a missionary by doing that. "Missionaries tell others about Jesus!" was her answer.

On the way to school, she told me that we couldn't have Christmas if baby Jesus had not been born. She is right, but there is so much more than that. If it weren't for that sweet little baby in the manger who gave his life on the cross for our sins, we'd all still be lost souls.

I am so thankful for my church family who touch my life and the lives of my children just by being the wonderful people they are. And in a world of commercial Christmas and Santa Claus, I am glad my daughter understands the real reason for the season.