
I'm sorry; What?

I heard (okay, so I read) actually on yahoo.com yesterday that Britney Spears is losing custody of her children on Wednesday. Which is now tomorrow. Okay, so the first thought in my silly little head was 'why is this front page entertainment news?' And the second one was, 'Well that sucks for those two boys but who didn't see that one coming?'
Britney is....Britney. And Britney appears to be one of those people who is all for having children only to think of the consequences and/or responsibility that those children come with only after the fact.
I'm sure somewhere in her heart of hearts, Britney wanted to be a mom. Britney just didn't understand that being a mom involves alot more giving of your time and energy than she wanted to hand over. Britney stills wants to party. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, except that now you're going to hand those two little boys over to an even bigger nightmare (His name is K-Fed? How screwed up is that.) And newsflash, Britney: If he'll leave his pregnant girlfriend and mother of his little girl, who's to say these boys are not better off with more
responsible parents than you or K-Fed?