
Birthday Dinner

Gracie has two favorite restaurants: O'Charley's and Cracker Barrel. I don't know what it is about these two specific places, but whenever we mention eating out those are her two picks! Always! So on Monday night when Pawpaw was in town and took us to dinner at Olive Garden, we discussed getting together Wednesday night for her birthday. When asked where she wanted to celebrate, she said Cracker Barrel. The cake you see in the photos is one I actually made at home, complete with princess sprinkles! When I called Cracker Barrel, I was disappointed to find out that they don't "do" anything for birthdays outside of singing. So I opted to bring my own cake and they were fine with that!

I was suprised she didn't start crying when they were singing to her! But she enjoyed it!

This was when she opened her Hannah Montana barbie doll that Pawpaw got her. I don't know what it is with this child and Hannah Montana, but she LOVED the doll! She also got a bag full of clothes, but the bag was so big none of the pictures turned out right.

Baby James and Anniston also received gifts (the cutest little sea horses with light up tummies - they remind me of Glo Worms). Gracie was not too happy about sharing gifts on her birthday, but she was when I told her she could open her brother's gift for him.

While Gracie opened her brother's gift, Tara opened the one for Anniston (Anniston is hidden behind the bag!)

James with Pawpaw

The birthday girl and her Pawpaw!

Pawpaw had to go home on Friday afternoon, but Gracie really enjoyed the fact that he was here again on her birthday (he was also here last year!) We are glad we got to spend time with Pawpaw while he was here on business!