
Happy News Abounds!

Okay so my last post about Preston? I have good news to share! Preston was returned to my cousin (the family who had him for the last two years plus) the day after he was surrendered back to DHR. Apparently my other cousin (his biological mother) has made her decision to surrender her rights. All we are waiting on is the lawyers to draw up the paperwork. Continue to pray for Preston and for his family, and for my family in general. This whole struggle with him and the custody situation has caused alot of tension and strain.

And in other exciting news...by the next time I post, I'LL BE AN AUNT!!! My mother-in-law called me this afternoon (around three) to let me know that Tara's water had broke and they were at the hospital. So we are patiently sitting on pins and needles waiting for Baby Anniston to make her arrival.

And speaking of babies arriving, I have eight weeks or less to go now! WOO HOO! Gracie tells me at least once a day that she is READY for Baby James to be here. She's not the only one!


Anonymous said...

Oh Miranda, that's wonderful news!! I know the cousins are so happy. Are they going to get to adopt him?