
Introducing....JAMES EDWARD!!!

In no particular order, here are the photo results from the 4D Ultrasound this morning. Apparently, James likes to put his hand up near his face and is a tad bit camera shy. I think he has Gracie's chin and nose (which would technically be MY chin and nose) but anyway. She had fun watching her brother on the screen, and "Up" actually turned out to be a pretty decent movie.
DID I MENTION I PASSED MY THREE HOUR GLUCOSE TEST?!?! Not that I'm excited. Enjoy the photos!


Anonymous said...

Awwww. there's my little man!!! I can't WAIT until he gets here!!!

Wade's World said...

He's such a cutie, and he definitely looks like Gracie (and by default, you!).

Janell said...

I love Ultrasound Pictures! He is so cute :)