
My Birthday Princess

Although her birthday isn't official until 3:35 this afternoon, please leave a comment for Gracie and wish her a very happy fourth birthday. Her party is on Saturday but tonight we're having dinner with Pawpaw at Cracker Barrel (one of Gracie's favorite restaurants).

So I'm wishing my birthday princess a happy birthday! She is my firstborn, my beautiful baby girl. She's the one who has the infectious laugh and the vividly wild imagination. She is my super sensitive girl who gets her feelings hurt very easily. She has a big heart that is filled with love for her aunts, her baby brother, and Jesus (and she'll tell you that).

She loves to sing, to look at books, and entertain her baby brother.

She went from being this little creature who was totally dependent on me to developing into her own little person.

My baby, my big girl - no matter what, she is mine. And I thank God every single day for bringing her into my life.


Lori Mercer said...

Happy Birthday Miss Gracie!! I can't wait to show you your pretty pictures from yesterday! Coming very soon! ;)

McCrory Family said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Sweet Gracie! You are a big girl, 4 years old!! I hope you have a very special day!

Wade's World said...

Happy Birthday Gracie!!!