
Christmas Eve

Okay, so since I accidentally deleted most of the pictures I took of Gracie and my sisters last night, here is what remains. And when Youtube stops being a royal pain and will upload my videos, I will share with you the excitement of Gracie's presents from last night (I let her open the ones from the girls, since last night was our Christmas together).

This picture is the neatest thing! The girls got Gracie this washable coloring book thing with washable markers. You can - literally - throw the book in the washing machine and color on it AGAIN!

This is a picture of my aunt Gail and her daughter, Katylin, opening their gifts. I gave Gail some perfume and a scrapbook frame picture of Gracie. Katylin was given this purple passion body wash and lotion from Claire's.

Gracie and Katylin coloring, Christina (l) and Jessica (r) helping supervise.

L to R: Kayla, Jessica, and Christina at their dad's house after our Christmas here.This is useless information to everybody else, but I just realized they are sitting in their birth order! (Kayla and Jessica are twins, Kayla is 15 minutes older).

Like I said, I will upload the videos when Youtube decides to stop being a Grinch!