
Swaddle Me!

We've had crying fits lately. Sometimes they last a good 10-15 minutes and include James holding his breath. Sometimes they don't last that long. Last night, after trying for ten minutes to console him (no stinking diaper, no gassiness, he had just eaten) I tried the last thing that happened to cross my mind. I grabbed his blanket and used what I had learned watching at the hospital to swaddle him. In less than five minutes, he was asleep.

I've done it twice since then and it seems to work like a charm, although when he's sleeping in our bed at night he doesn't like it as much.

If you are having this problem and don't know exactly how to swaddle, this link offers two different kinds of swaddling methods.


Carolyn Wolfe said...

we were unable to swaddle :-( Sophie kicks and moves so much that the most snug swaddle would be kicked off. Our best alternative has been the sleep sack. They also offer sleep sacks that are swaddles. They work nicely in the middle of the night. I have to here that we do not use, if you want them just let me know.

Unknown said...

He was trying to tell you he wanted Ms. Leigh and you just wouldn't listen. Poor baby!