
Is it me or what?

Okay so to say that this week, being the first official week my mom has been gone, has been a stroll in the park would be the understatement of the century.

I am still sick. Yes, and I've just decided since my antiobiotics don't work there is absolutely no reason to take them.
Gracie has tested my patience all week long and while I'm certain that I'm partly to blame because I haven't been feeling well and my nerves are on edge, she and I have both dissolved into tears several times this week.
She is, however, enjoying the new babysitter which is quite enough to be happy about for now.

There is confusion about "our" house, because it's actually "Mawmaw's" house and you can almost see the confusion when she demands to see her Mawmaw and is told she's at work in Qatar. You can see the wheels turning in her head, like I'm not telling her the truth and any moment Mawmaw will come breezing through the front door.

I, on the other hand, know that won't be happening for at least six months, untl my mom can come home on her thirty day leave.
So I'm crossing my fingers and saying a prayer that tonight when I take my cough medicine and pass out with the television on, that tomorrow Gracie and I will both wake up refreshed and ready to start a new week with a clean slate.
And no Mawmaw either.

Please enjoy the variety of random pictures!