
Pappy Gate Continues...

Thank you, Amy Wade, for the "Pappy Gate" mention. That is almost what it's turning into!

So from my last post, you know that Nana Kay started the attempt to initiate Pappy Gate. Gracie has been pappy-free since bedtime Friday night. However, Saturday she had her emotional breakdown but I never budged. We managed to get through that. Sunday afternoon, we went down for a nap just after church. She asked for it then and when I said no, she lightly giggled as if she had been joking anyway.

Last night when she went to bed, she asked for it but didn't cry. Twenty minutes later, after I'd left the room, loud wailing can be heard all through the house. When I go in (which I don't normally do, unless she's having major issues like she apparently was last night) and sit down with her, she's again doing that "crying so hard I can't catch my breath" and insists that she needs her pappy. I assured her she didn't need it. I told her how proud I was of her that she was going to be okay without it. She wanted Mommy to sleep beside her. I told her I had to sleep in my bed. She didn't want to go to sleep. I told her she had to or she'd be grumpy. (This is the only way I know to reason with her that she needs a nap or needs to go to bed).

I am sure that compounding her pappy withdrawal is the fact that we are trying to potty train as well, but she seems to catch on to that quickly except she's not going! Miss Priss seems to think that sitting on the potty qualifies her for an "any-nim" (M&M). When I tell her she has to potty to get one, she very simply informs me, "Mommy I'm trying!!".

And just in mid-post, as if reading my mind, she tells me she needs to potty. We're off! I'll post some pictures of Gracie playing in her swimming pool later.


Wade's World said...

God bless all the pappies out there. We sure could use some angels to carry them off. The pappies...not the kids.